The Bio Vitality Protocol at Regenus Center

The Bio Vitality Protocol

If we don’t know each other yet, my name is John Allen Mollenhauer, and I am “JAM,” a pioneering “Performance Lifestyle” Coach, Founder of the Regenus Center, and creator of the Bio Vitality Protocol™.

Okay, I get it. That picture may seem a little far out, but what it’s communicating is not!

You’ll often hear the terms “bio vitality” and ” performance lifestyle” at Regenus Center because the center’s origins stem from the draining and unhealthy high-performance lifestyle I used to live. Despite a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, and more, I experienced fatigue, burnout, and back pain from overexertion.

Over the 20 years before launching the Regenus Center, I developed a human performance-based lifestyle philosophy, mindset, and skill set that enabled me and others to manage energy like pros and live a more balanced, health-promoting, and successful life. This is true “high performance,” unlike the common, unhealthy attempts most make daily, leading to burnout, weight gain, and lifestyle-induced diseases that account for 85-95% of all diseases due to coping with stress and tiredness in ways that create more stress and fatigue.

But I ultimately realized that you must have enough energy to manage!

“Imagine walking into a financial planner with only enough funds to survive—there’s not much they could do for you. Similarly, people with big goals in their lives, families, careers, or businesses need a lot of energy to thrive.”

So, the answer was to learn how to revitalize and replenish the body regularly and systematically so that all my other efforts would pay off.

Want to know how?

I wanted to live a fully engaged life without constantly tiring, burning out, or wearing out. This realization led to my biggest life step—not just opening another business but a business that helps people REVITALIZE!

The Regenus Center began as my recovery center, attached to my office. I started opening it up to help “regenerate us,” you and me! Regeneration essentially means recharging, restoring, and rejuvenating the body.

Revitalizing allows you to recapture vitality, accelerate healing, growth, and development, and improve health and performance capacities. The key to these outcomes is regularly recharging, restoring, and rejuvenating the body while avoiding a depleting lifestyle that leads to inflammation, pain, and poor health.


The Bio Vitality Protocol

At the Regenus Center, we developed the Bio Vitality Protocol™. It is a comprehensive approach designed to enhance your body’s natural energy, health, and performance. It combines advanced rejuvenation technologies, such as photobiomodulation, pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy, and strategic sun exposure, to accelerate recovery and optimize cellular function. By increasing your vital life force energy, the protocol helps you achieve a balanced, high-performance lifestyle, enabling quick recovery from stress and exertion, reducing inflammation and pain, and maintaining peak physical and mental health.

While any part of the protocol can be engaged separately, it is most effective when utilized as a whole.

This protocol helps you bounce back from excess stress, pain, and fatigue, enabling you to recapture your vitality. When that happens, you lose weight, improve your skin, health, and capacity to function (say goodbye to brain fog), and start developing a balanced, healthy, high-performance lifestyle.

Key Offerings

  • Photobiomodulation (Red Light Therapy): Our center’s core therapy is red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation (PBMt). It involves changing the body with light and acts as a whole-body battery charger. For the best results, we recommend using this therapy two to three times weekly in 90-day stints and building it into your lifestyle.
  • Full Protocol Utilization: Clients who achieve the best outcomes engage with the full Bio Vitality Protocol as part of their lifestyle. We create a comprehensive routine that addresses weight loss, energy for performance, pain, chronic inflammation, and high performance.

As in-the-gam entrepreneurs and Performance Lifestyle® coaches, including a seven-year NFL veteran as one of our owners, we help people recover from life and athletic stress, which has increased exponentially over the last 10 to 20 years. We revitalize regularly, utilize the Bio Vitality Protocol daily, and are very good at what we do; and that is helping people like you!

Membership and Utilization

We offer memberships specifically for photobiomodulation due to its cornerstone importance in our approach. However, Regenus Center is designed to support a select number of clients each month and year who want to incorporate the Bio Vitality Protocol into their lifestyle.

Invitation to Join

By integrating the Regenus Center’s offerings into your life and lifestyle, you can regularly recapture your vitality, transform your health and performance, and lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Call us today at 862-295-1620 to schedule a consultation!

We look forward to seeing you at Regenus Center and helping you with a REVITALIZE protocol that suits your needs.

About John Allen Mollenhauer, “JAM”

John Allen Mollenhauer, known as “JAM,” is the co-author of “The Curse of the Capable: The Hidden Challenge to Living a Balanced and Healthy High-achieving Life,” written with Harvard psychologist Arthur P. Ciaramicoli and Superbowl MVP Phil Simms. He is a leading Performance Lifestyle® Coach and, along with his partner and wife, Mariahna Suzan, co-founded the REGENUS CENTER, a cutting-edge biohacking facility dedicated to health and performance recovery.

JAM is the creator of the BioVitality Protocol™, which teaches people how to use advanced rejuvenation and recovery technologies, including red light therapy (photobiomodulation) chambers and the strategic use of sunlight to accelerate recovery. He is also passionate about helping people develop healthy, high-performance lifestyles.

As a driven professional and entrepreneur facing fatigue, periodic burnout, and severe back pain due to overexertion, JAM has dedicated his adult life to helping high achievers live in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind while pursuing their most ambitious goals.

JAM is a father of two, an avid biker, and a lifelong learner who loves to share optimal living insights.




About the Author

John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"



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