What is PEMF Anyway?

What is PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency), anyway?

You might see EMF hidden in PEMF and instantly think nothing good can come from PEMF, but that would be wrong.
One of the base technologies that we employ at RegenUs Center and some of the proactive recovery technologies we use such as our miHealth device is called pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy.

Commonly referred to as PEMF, this therapy harnesses the power of the electromagnetic spectrum to both energize and guide the body’s innate wellness system.

The use of magnetic forces for health is nothing new. In fact, it has been around for thousands of years and was even used by the beauty of the Nile, Cleopatra. Beginning with the use of magnetic stones or lodestones on specific acupuncture points and culminating in the high technology that we utilize today, pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy has come a long way.

As a client, this therapy is undoubtedly a game-changer within my own health journey. I’ve had the pleasure to utilize various devices and methods of harnessing the electromagnetic spectrum that is pulsed naturally by the earth but is also in my life as lifestyle therapy to ongoingly optimize my own energy and health. I’ve experienced a great many of them first-hand.

They all work in slightly different ways, but the general premise is P-EMFs are produced using a magnetic loop coil and electrifying it with various electrical components. The end result is an electromagnetic field that emanates outward in all directions from the coil.

This electromagnetic field is composed of photonic energy or light that we cannot see in its waveform.

You may have already guessed this is exactly like the electromagnetic fields that are created by your Wi-Fi router, cell phone, and Bluetooth devices.

The difference is these electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are tuned to be harmonic with either the resonance of the earth or the human body. In this way, PEMF is able to support your body’s health rather than deplete it like the ones your cell phone produces.


The benefits of PEMF

You may be wondering, why pulsating these electromagnetic frequencies into the human body would have any beneficial effect?

The answer to that lies in the fact that the human body is an electromagnetic system at its very core. 

There are two main benefits that you can derive from this type of stimulation, one energetic and one physical:

  1. Energetic: PEMF provides extra electrons for energy production…
  2. Physical is the activation of the body’s immune responses such as micro-circulation.

Benefit #1: Energetic Stimulation

Let’s take the first one where extra electrons are provided.

The body needs to have a nice negative charge which actually means that the body is full of electrons (negatively charged particles).

Negatively charged (a term many may think it bad) actually stands for having more energy not less. We can get these electrons from various sources whether we:

  • Burn health-promoting proteins, fats, and carbohydrates through the Krebs cycle…
  • Go outside and connect ourselves to the earth and its limitless source of electrons…
  • Or we can expose ourselves to pulsating electromagnetic fields…

As these fields spread through our bodies, some of this energy is absorbed and can be used right away by the body. You can think of PEMF as providing an exogenous, or external, source of energy to be utilized as the body needs.

Then, we have the activation of various healing mechanisms within the human body. This aspect of the benefits you can attain from PEMF is actually a byproduct of the extra electrons. Once you provide the system with energy, you’ll see the activation of all of the mechanistic pathways in which it needs to get there.

Therefore, the number of things that can be stimulated by this therapy is nearly endless. One example is that electrons (the electrical) stimulate ATP synthase (the mechanical) to produce more ATP (the chemical) that many professionals refer to as the energy currency of the body.


Benefit #2: Micro-circulation

However one of these effects is similar to the first benefit of an exogenous source of electrons because of its ability to optimize various other mechanisms and pathways inside of the human body. This would be the activation of micro-circulation. Micro-circulation involves the flow of blood to your body’s tiniest blood vessels that wind themselves throughout your organs.

The increase in micro-circulation will enhance the body’s ability to usher resources to their place of need as well as escort toxins out of the system.

Given this is such a fundamental aspect of keeping a healthy physiological and energetic terrain, it is arguably the most important physiological effect of PEMF. This combination of energetic and physiological benefits makes PEMF a powerhouse of a lifestyle therapy modality.

It is one of the best non-invasive ways to provide support on both of those levels. PEMF has caught on in recent years for everything from minor, acute pain relief, a healthy immune response, bone health support, and the like, but it doesn’t stop there.

It also offers potent benefits to help maintain a feeling of wellness.

How to use PEMF

PEMF isn’t a common modality you can find just anywhere. A specialized device is required to provide the right frequencies to support your health. There are hundreds of frequencies to choose from. All too often, the incorrect frequency is used.

That’s why we used global scaling mathematics to refine our frequencies to be harmonious with nature and your body. However, that only scratches the surface of the potential of PEMF. We took advanced technologies to support PEMF and placed them into a single, easy-to-use device called miHealth.

MiHealth combines PEMF with physical stimulation technologies like TENs and SCENAR to bring all of these technologies together in one device. 

Simply put, PEMF makes the miHealth a versatile tool that can help you and your loved ones in real-time, charge up your body and activate your body’s own innate wellness mechanisms in the face of different environmental and mind-body stressors.

We then use these frequencies as carrier waves for the NES corrective information that restores energy and coherence to the human body field, the body’s control mechanism. (Link to miHealth article)

To learn more about the miHealth device, call RegenUs Center at 862-295-1620 to connect with us.




General Disclaimer: These services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This Website offers health and fitness advice. This advice is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice, treatment, or diagnosis of a healthcare professional. Always consult your physician before beginning any therapy program. You agree that you assume all responsibility when choosing to act on any of the health or fitness advice contained on this Website. We reserve the right to amend this policy at any time without any prior notice to you.



About the Author

John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"



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