Who Comes to a Regeneration Center and Why?

Regeneration is a new term, you’ve heard it, but you don’t know much about it and how the lack of it is affecting your life.

If you are here, at this site, chances are you have been pretty ambitious in your life. You’ve been a driven, success-oriented, high performer for some time; as a parent, a business professional or entrepreneur, a small business owner, an athlete or creative artist and you’ve given it your “all ” at the cost of limited regeneration and you’re feeling that depleted energy in your body and your life

You’re tired, experiencing fatigue, some back pain for example, and/or you want to speed up your recovery to get back at it, only this time differently. You are probably in the second half of your work life, 35-55, or simply wanting a new beginning where you feel revive and feel fresh again. Secretly or not so secretly you want to look, feel and perform like the much younger person you remember.

You’ve wanted to say, “I’m Tired,” for probably a long time, but didn’t know how to say it, without feeling like something was wrong with you. And, of course, you didn’t want to whine about a problem nobody could see, but you most definitely feel and know is affecting your spark, your attitude, your ambitions and follow through, your relationships and more.

Frankly, it’s affecting your whole engagement with life as you realize you’re not able to play full out when you need to and perhaps that’s causing you to shy away from what really matters to you.

It’s not uncommon for that to be the case as there is a whole segment of the population that goes to the doctor, with no resolve, for what is referred to as the Invisible Illness; an amalgamation of different fatigue-related conditions that simply have no defined cause or cure, or so you might think.

You may not even think you have an illness or a condition, but you know you are not your former self. Something has changed.

I can relate. I’m John Allen Mollenhauer, founder of Regenus Centers, providing cellular rejuvenation therapies, to restore, repair and activate you in at the most fundamental level so that you can look, feel and perform better. I, a former athlete, turned overcommitted worn down tech entrepreneur, who turned into a lifestyle entrepreneur to figure out a solution for what ended up being the effects of overexertion since a very young age. Overexertion took its toll on my energy, my body and my life and wellbeing. I suffered from fatigue, and back pain for years behind the scenes of what appeared to be a high performing life.

Little did people know that I was suffering from depression, catastrophic thinking and all kinds of other afflictions due to a growing sense of depleted energy amidst my hard-charging life that was devoid of sufficient regeneration.

I was so committed to arriving at an answer that I ended up turning my lemon into lemonade by developing a new model for living called Performance Lifestyle®– the next step in the evolution of a fitness or healthy lifestyle that includes, but transcends nutrition and fitness alone, to discover all the essential skills we need to achieve even our most ambitious goals while living in balance with vibrant health and peace of mind.

I wanted to know if that was possible; if people like me could live an ambitious life, but not burnout or trade our health for success. And it is possible, but only with a whole lifestyle that supports you and what you are up to in the world; your human performance.

Discovering our human need for regular and systematic regeneration at the core of our lifestyle, was the ride of a lifetime, and it ultimately inspired me to start Regenus Centers, with my wife Mariahna Suzan who, after giving birth to our daughter while working for our company, started to suffer the same as me, from overexertion or excess stress that was mounting in her life. So we started Regenus Centers (Regeneration for “Us”) for one simple reason—to help people recover from excess stress, without guilt, and both the effects and the causes, so people like us could again feel the spark to live their best lives ahead.

Today, that’s a reality in our first location in Florham Park, NJ. If you are in the area, and you want to make the ultimate transformation, the one that all other life changes and improvements depend on; come and learn about “regenerating” your energy, your body and ultimately your life. We’de be happy to give you a free consultation on the best way for you to use what Regenus Center has to offer to build regeneration in your life.



About the Author

John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"



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