Cellular Vitality is What’s Driving Your Health

Cellular Bio Vitality is What's Driving You

Are you gaining weight, feeling run down, battling chronic pain, or simply not performing at your best? It’s time to revitalize your life and lifestyle with cellular vitality using the Bio Vitality Protocol™ at REGENUS CENTER.

Introducing the Cellular Bio Vitality Protocol™ You’ve Been Missing in Your Life and Lifestyle

When people want to improve how they look, feel, and perform, they focus on their diet, exercise, and get an extra hour of sleep here and there, which is all good. But while these are essential, they often overlook the bigger picture of cellular vitality: achieving desired results and maintaining consistency depend on the amount of life force energy or “cellular vitality” their body has. Without sufficient energy, the body becomes fatigued, metabolism slows, and sleep quality diminishes.

Yes, your body can be too tired to sleep well!

Enter the cutting-edge cellular Bio Vitality Protocol™, which combines state-of-the-art technologies and performance lifestyle practices to increase energy production in your body, reduce inflammation, and reduce your overall weight while improving health and function.

Here are the advanced rejuvenation and recovery technologies at our center that can form the Bio Vitality Protocol that we will individualize for you as part of your healthy, Performance Lifestyle.

  • Cellular Vitality and Health Assessment: Enhances cell phase angle (you’ll learn what that means), a key indicator of cellular voltage, water volume, and overall cell health.
  • Bioenergetic Scan: Uses technology to assess and optimize the body’s energy flow, identifying blockages and imbalances to improve overall wellness.
  • PEMF Therapy: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy to stimulate and repair cells, improving function and mobility.
  • Near-infrared laser: This type uses wavelengths of near-infrared light to penetrate tissues, promoting healing, reducing inflammation, and alleviating pain.
  • Photobiomodulation Therapy: Harness the power of up to 6 wavelengths of full body light to reduce pain and inflammation while accelerating healing.
  • Lymphatic Activation: Utilizes a vibrating platform to enhance circulation and stimulate the lymphatic system.
  • Lymphatic Drainage: Enhance your body’s natural detoxification process and reduce swelling.
  • Exercise with Oxygen Therapy (EWOT): Supercharge your cells further by breathing in 96% pure oxygen at the right time.
  • Infrared Sauna: Detoxify, relax, and strengthen your cells with deep-penetrating infrared heat.
  • Cold Plunge and contrast Therapy boost circulation, reduce muscle soreness, and improve recovery time while increasing metabolic flexibility.

How Does It Work?

A Cellular Vitality or Bio Vitality Protocol™ is typically a comprehensive 12-week program designed to:

  • Increase Your Energy: Feel more vibrant and alive every day.
  • Decrease Inflammation and Weight: Combat the primary cause of weight gain—energy depletion—and chronic inflammation, which leads to pain and various health issues.
  • Enhance Health and Performance: Optimize your physical and mental performance to achieve your goals.

That said, we offer options for implementing your Bio Vitality Protocol in stages that fit your goals, conditions, time, and budget.


At REGENUS CENTER, we are dedicated to helping you unlock your body’s resilience to bounce back from stress, fatigue, and pain. Our expert team will guide you through every step of your Bio Vitality Protocol™, ensuring you get the most out of the protocol right for you.

Ready to Revitalize Your Life?

Join the countless individuals who have transformed their lives with the Bio Vitality Protocol™. Book your consultation today and discover how to regain energy, health, and performance.

Contact Us

For more information or to book your first session, visit our website or call us at 862-295-1620



About the Author

John Allen Mollenhauer "JAM"



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